Dianne moved to Victoria from Alberta in 2012, and has enjoyed life on the Island immensely. Being close to the water seems to soothe her. She has taken up kayaking both to experience nature close-up and for the excellent work out. She has many times found herself in the Sooke area, walking in East Sooke Park, exploring the tide pools at Botanical Beach, or admiring the talent at the Sooke Fine Arts Show.
She first developed an interest in co-housing when Harbourside Co-housing opened a few years ago, and was intrigued to learn a second project was underway in Sooke. So, she took the tour in August 2019 and was blown away by the location and the project. More importantly, the members made Dianne feel welcome immediately, and she knew West Wind Harbour was her future.
Like all the West Wind Cohousing members, Dianne is really looking forward to the project completion and being able to contribute to this wonderful community!