Born and raised in Germany, I have gradually moved further west from Toronto, where I started my new life as a Canadian, first to Thunder Bay, then to Minneapolis, then Calgary and soon to Vancouver Island. It has been my intention to retire out here for many years.
I love nature, outdoor activities like camping and hiking, and living close to the ocean. So the dream is becoming a reality and the prospect of living in a co-housing community makes it an even more desirable future. Co-housing is the perfect lifestyle choice for me.
Most of my professional life has been spent in some capacity as a human resource development professional. My life as an adult educator in private and public sectors has given me the chance to learn about several industries from “the inside”. I have taken on people development projects in health care, telecommunications, hospitality services, railway and, most recently, oil and gas. I am a committed life-long learner, and I expect to explore learning opportunities well past my recent retirement.
I have two adult sons, who are my pride and joy and who I have raised as a single mom for most if their lives. Emmett is a lawyer, married and living in Calgary, and Denholm graduated as a Software Engineer from the University of Victoria last year. He too loves this part of the world as much as I do and has chosen to stay in Victoria to start his career.
My sweet little dog is the only family member still living with me, and we plan on enjoying many adventures together with our new-found freedom, both at home in our new community and in our travel trailer when we go camping.