Community Rules and Policies

The Purpose of Rules: Cohousing groups typically call rules associated with the use of the common spaces “community guidelines” or “policies”. Rules are not registered on title and can be easily changed or modified over time. Rules can be created to govern the use, safety and condition of the common property and common assets. Rules may not govern the use of strata lots, as this can be accomplished only through a bylaw. For information about the strata bylaws please view the Strata Information? page.
Cohousing communities also enter into agreements governing the way they live and work together, such as how to make decisions or how to handle conflict. Such agreements are found in Living in Community.

Balconies – Rules for the Use


Common Property – Zones of Special Privilege

Common Spaces

Community Fund

Community Improvement Projects

COVID Protocols
The following proposed protocols will be presented for approval at the Nov 7, 2020 GM

Fobs, Local Area Network & Wifi

Home-based Business
See Motion 9 April 18 2018. The WWHC Strata Bylaws do not restrict home-based businesses. The District of Sooke zoning bylaws apply and also deal with home-based businesses. The zoning for WWHC does not allow any home based business where clients visit the premises due to the limited parking available. Online business or businesses that do not require physical client visits are OK. To find out more: https://sooke.ca/district-services/departments/corporate-services/business-licences/

Home Sales
Presentation to Sep 4 2020 CB meeting

The following provides an overview summary of how a few other BC cohousing communities deal with home sales after completion.

All parking stalls at West Wind are allocated as Common property, which is owned by all of the owners in a strata corporation in proportion to their respective unit entitlements. The use of the parking stalls will be by a Grant of Exclusive Use, whereby the strata corporation gives an owner exclusive privilege to use parking under a short term exclusive use agreement or privilege. This agreement or privilege may not be given for a term that exceeds one year and may be subject to conditions. The strata corporation can renew the term of the privilege, alter the conditions, and cancel in the middle of a term by giving reasonable notice to the owner. The ability to use the common property only attaches to the owner and not the strata lot.

Vendors selling their units cannot contractually assign their permission to use parking (or storage areas) to new owners. The new owner must ask the strata corporation for permission to use the area exclusively. The strata corporation has full discretion to grant the exclusive use of the same or a different parking (or storage area).

Section 9 of WWH Strata Bylaws allows for a 2nd parking space on a first come, first served basis until all available parking stalls that are not designated for visitors or as a loading zone have been assigned. There will be 49 parking spaces allowing each of the 34 units 1 parking space. There need to be 5 visitor spaces and 1 drop off/loading space.

As per the Rules, an outdoor area, on the East side of WWH, has been designated and is available for washing animals. We have clarified with the Waste and Recycling Team that animal waste (feces, kitty litter, small animal bedding shavings, etc.) must be bagged and the closed bags disposed of in the “garbage” bins in the waste and recycling room. These bins will be picked up every week. Please do not dispose of your animal waste down toilets, in the kitchen scrap bins, or outside compost. It’s not all “rules” and “poop” and going forward we will also be engaging with members on activities in support of celebrating our animals and their lives. As a team we are committed to supporting a safe, harmonious, animal friendly community that respects all members. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Kate is the Point Person for our Team.

We permit owners to rent their units. It fits the cohousing philosophy of encouraging independence, responsibility for our own welfare, respecting personal choices and creating a welcoming community with wide perspectives. Inviting outsiders in for a period of time provides them with an opportunity to experience the cohousing lifestyle first-hand and serves to promote it within the larger community. Rules have been implemented to mitigate the risk of short-term rentals and orientation material has been created to assist both landlords and tenants. Please refer to additional information the Tenants, Lodgers, Boarders and Visitors page.

Storage Lockers
The Storage lockers are common property – the same applies to the storage lockers as applies to the parking – see above. The strata corporation will assign storage lockers as required. The allocation below was done by as agreed totally without bias or partiality. Using paper slips with unit numbers in a Tupperware container. Very scientific and 100% accurate nine times out of ten.

Waste and Recycling
Our Waste and Recycling contract is with GFL. GFL Waste & Recycling Contract_2021-01-15