Paul and Sally

Finding ourselves single after lengthy marriages, we each took a chance on online dating and – much to our surprise – it worked! We’ve been happily together in Vancouver since 2012 and married in 2015. Second time around really is wonderful!

We’re both ‘sort-of ex-pats’ while being Canadian: Sally was born in Montreal, raised and educated in Barbados and England before moving to Vancouver in 1981. Paul was born in Australia and moved to BC in 1969. Our shared love of travel, visiting friends and new places is unabated. 

Our backgrounds are otherwise rather different. Sally’s route has been rather conventional – a degree in design followed by four decades as an interior design consultant. After so many years being career-focused, Sally’s entirely happy to be out of the biz and still passionate about art, design, architecture, cultural activities and gardening.

Paul’s trajectory has been quite unconventional – an unapologetic hippie and seeker in his youth – he spent eight years in an ashram before realizing the powerful urge to make a family. He remains close to his two beautiful adult children. While family- focused, Paul’s career path took him into technology where he worked in Westjet’s IT department, followed by applications development for Apple devices.

Recently retired, we’re giving a lot of thought to how to flourish in our third age. To be part of a supportive community, in a beautiful, quiet and sustainable environment are what’s drawn us to West Wind Harbour.